feels extremely delighted to launch a blogging contest for the extremely heart touching occasion of Mother’s Day 2025. Bring out the blogger in you and create a meaningful and hearty blog that will strike the chords of our hearts and all the mothers out there. This activity will let you know your mom better while fetching great prices for your writing skills!
The topic for the Mother’s Day blog is “WHY DO YOU WANT TO BE LIKE YOUR MOTHER?”
Every daughter wants to be like their moms, but that doesn’t mean that the sons are out of this race. Being a mother has more substance to it rather than just being a feminine and requires some real guts to be the perfect one. So, all girls and boys out there, have a word with yourself (which you rarely do) and come up with all the reasons which make your mom your role model.
Pen down a blog on your bond with your mother and what makes her so unique and amazing that you really want to be like her! Use hash tags like #Giftalove #MothersDay2025 and #Mothersdaygifts while promoting your blog on your social media accounts and heighten your chances of winning exciting prizes.
1. Write a blog on the mentioned topic.
2. Link back to - and
3. Share the URL of your post with us at and also on your social media profiles with hash tags #Giftalove #MothersDay2025 and #Mothersdaygifts.
4. The first winner will get Rs. 5000/
5. The second will get Rs. 3000/
6. The next three winners will receive Worth Rs. 1000/ Gift Hampers Each
7. The final call in deciding winners will be taken up by Giftalove.
1. The last date to participate in this contest is 10th May 2022.
2. There are no limitations on the number of words.
3. Add this line at the end of your blog - This blog is subject to the entry for Mother's Day Bloggers Contest by, an online gift store based in India.
4. The content of the blog must be original and devoid of any plagiarism.
5. Send your blog post and social media sharing links to us on is a renowned online gift portal having its business base in India, but providing online gift delivery services in all the major countries of the world. The range of gifts found here is extensive, catering to almost all the special occasions coming in people’s lives. Placing orders for gifts with this website will certainly amplify your online shopping experience.